4.0 Daily Operations of the Center
4.1 Admissions
Applications for enrollment of children ranging from six weeks through five years old will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, genetic information, national origin, disability, or other legally protected status. Priority for enrollment will be given to children of federal employees.
4.1.1 Special Needs Children and their Families
FEELC strives to meet the needs of all children. FE will work closely with families, staff and community resources in order to meet the needs of any child with Special Needs in accordance with the guidelines set by ADA.
4.1.2 Closures/Delayed Openings for Special Circumstances
Delayed openings
1 hour delay Open at 8:30 *We will serve breakfast
2 hour delay Open at 9:30 *No Breakfast will be served
Early Closing
1:00 Closing *Lunch will be served
Earlier than 1:00 *Lunch will not be served
Closing at 3
Snack can be taken home
4.2 Hours of Operation
Operating days and hours will be Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.
4.3 Arrival and Departure of Children
Arrival and departures are transitional times for children and need to be handled delicately. It is requested that parents bring the child directly into his or her classroom. It is important that the teacher is aware of all arrivals. Children may not be left unaccompanied in the parking lot, dropped off at the front entrance, or left in the lobby, playground, or in the halls.
When picking up children, parents have been asked to come into the Center through the front entrance of the building. If the child is outside on the playground, parents must let the child’s teacher know he or she is picking him or her up. Children may not be picked up from an outside entrance or over the fence. It is for the safety and security of the children that we have established these policies.
If someone other than the parent is going to be picking up the child, then parents are asked to contact the Center in advance. A note with the parent’s signature and identification will be required. Licensing does not allow email permission for pick up.
4.4 Meals and the Child Care Food Program
The Center will be participating in the Child Care Food Program sponsored by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. The goals of this program are to provide nutritious and appetizing meals and snacks for children, introduce different types of foods, and help teach good eating habits. The Center will avoid serving overly sweet items and encourage children to appreciate the natural flavors of a variety of wholesome foods. Our weekly menus are required to be posted both inside and outside the classroom.
Teachers are encouraged to sit with children at meal times and, if appropriate, eat with them. We ask that any soda be concealed in a cup and any convenience foods be eaten either during the employee’s break time or while the children are sleeping. Coffee and other beverages should remain at the counter and not be carried throughout the room or onto the playground for consumption.
Please note that First Environments is a peanut free Center. No peanut products should be brought into the Center either by staff or by families.
If a child has a food allergy, it must be posted in a convenient place in the classroom as well as in the kitchen so that all staff will be aware of it. A food allergy must be documented and a copy of such documentation kept in the child’s file.
All food items, bottles, or “sippy cups” provided by parents must be labeled with the child’s first and last name and current date.
Meals and snacks are typically served at the following times:
AM Snack 9:00am - 9:30am
Lunch 11:45am - 12:30pm
PM Snack 3:30 - 4:00pm
4.5 Playground Rules
Children may not be out on the playground unless they are being supervised and the appropriate teacher/child ratios are maintained.
Teachers must use good judgment on the number of children allowed to play on 1 piece of equipment at the same time. Suggest that children take turns or direct their attention to other equipment or activities.
All playground equipment must be used appropriately and safely. Teachers are to make periodic checkups and keep the administrative staff informed as to what pieces of equipment need to be repaired or replaced. Children should not be allowed to play on or with broken or damaged equipment.
Daily cleaning and checks must be conducted by all staff.
Teachers are expected to interact and observe children closely while on the playground. Teachers should space themselves so all children can be seen.
Children must keep their socks and shoes on while they are on the playground except under supervised water play.
Play equipment for the sand area, riding toys, balls, and other gross motor equipment are kept in the toy shed. After each use, all equipment should be returned to the toy shed and stored properly.
Toy guns and other similar toys do not have any place in the Center or on the playground.
Teachers must help children learn the safe and proper way to handle wheel toys and paved areas.
Staff will supervise infants, toddlers, and preschool by sight and sound at all times.
Last updated: 1/26/2017