2.5 Promotions


First Environments will grant promotions, whenever possible, to the most qualified employee available when such an opportunity exists. Present employees will be given preference over other applicants in those cases where the employee meets the qualifications for the position under consideration. The Center, however, will not be obligated to sacrifice quality in order to award a promotion to an employee rather than filling the position through other recruitment means. Employees interested in being considered for a specific promotion should notify the Executive Director.

2.6 Annual Review of Performance

Full-time employees are evaluated on a continuing basis in order to provide a high level of child care. A written evaluation will be given annually or more often if needed.

Staff members may complete a Self-Evaluation. With the Self-Evaluation, the teacher rates him/herself on personal qualities, teaching style and strategies, environment/climate design, relationship to other teachers, relationship to parents, and professional responsibilities.

The supervisor and the employee shall develop a professional growth plan that will assist the employee with meeting goals. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to assure that the employee is working toward goal completion.

Employees may be evaluated at the end of their 90-day orientation period, and one year after the signing of the Handbook Acknowledgement. The forms used for evaluation purposes will be given to the employee during his or her orientation period.

2.6.1 Annual Review of Program

First Environments Early Learning Center strives daily to get ongoing feedback of both staff and families. FEELC is a community of learners, understanding that creating a community where adults freely share ideas contributes to the success of a strong early childhood program. Staff Annual program surveys gather feedback from our community and results are shared with all members of FEELC. Surveys are sent out in the spring of each year prior to move ups.

Concerns are addressed through collaborative processes that include the administration, the parent board, the staff and parents. Informal assessments and feedback are share as needed. FEELC works hard to create an environment where all members feel at ease to communicate, share ideas and or concerns.

2.7 Salary Increases Based on Performance

An employee may receive a performance salary increase if he or she continues to demonstrate improvement or maintains a high level of performance. The current parent board sets a benchmark percentage increase annually upon passing the budget for the next fiscal year.

Determining which employee should be given increases and the amount of the increase shall be at the discretion of the Executive Director.

2.8 Unsatisfactory Employment Review

If the evaluation rating is less than satisfactory, the employee and the Executive Director will set goals to raise the rating within a 14-day, 30-day, or 90-day period. During that time, the Executive Director and/or supervisor will observe the employee weekly and document those observations and progress toward attaining established goals. At any time, the employee may choose not to work toward the goals established, thus ending his or her employment voluntarily. 


Last updated: 1/26/2017