4.3 Arrival & Departure

Arrivals and departures are transitional times for children and need to be handled delicately. Your child may cling to you in the morning or cry when it is time for him/her to leave in the evening. Do not take tears as a personal rejection or the clinging as a sign of dislike for the center. This reaction is normal for a young child. We can work together to make these difficult times a little easier for you and your child.

Accompany your child to his/her classroom and ensure that your child’s teacher is aware of his/her arrival. Children should never be left unaccompanied in the parking lot, dropped off at the front entrance, left in the lobby, playground, or halls.

Inform the staff of any special instructions or information that might be needed for that day. We request that you say goodbye to your child rather than merely disappear. Your child may cry briefly, but ultimately will trust you more.

Please enter your child’s classroom quietly so as not to disturb the activity in progress. We ask that you remember to be courteous to all of our children. A smile and a friendly greeting are always appropriate.

When picking up your child, we ask that you come into the Center through the front entrance of the building. If your child is outside on the playground, we ask that you let your child’s teacher know you are picking him/her up. Children may not be picked up from an outside entrance or over the fence. It is for the safety and security of your child(ren) that we have established these policies.

Since children will not know when they will be leaving, they may be involved in an individual or group activity. Allow your child to “shift gears” by giving him/her a warning period, i.e. “we will be leaving in two minutes” or “after you finish that picture, we will leave.” If you need to rush, please call us in advance so that we can help prepare your child prior to your arrival. Please remember to collect any artwork, soiled clothing, and outerwear in the cubby area on your way out.

In addition to security and employee issues, it is very difficult for young children to understand why they are being picked up late. Parents are strongly encouraged to arrive for pickup prior to center closing.

New policy beginning January 3, 2023:

A late pick up fee will result in a late fee charge.  There is a 5-minute grace period for parents picking up their children between 5:30-5:35pm.  A pick up time between 5:36-5:45 will result as follows: 

- The 1st late pick up is a freebie (no charge).  

- The 2nd time is $25.  

- The 3rd time is $35.  

- The 4th time is $45.  

There is a cap at $45 for all subsequent times picking up late.  There is a $15 fee for each additional 15 minutes.  Every family resets to start at zero at the beginning of the year.  

If a parent is more than 15 minutes late and has not contacted the center, the front office will attempt to locate the parent. Emergency contact persons will be called to pick up the child as soon as possible. If after one hour, there has been no contact with a parent and no emergency contact person can be located, the center director may decide to contact the Department of Social Services. 

Last updated: 5/25/23