2.0 Programs

2.1 General Information on Programs

First Environments Early Learning Center strives daily to get ongoing feedback of both staff and families. FEELC is a community of learners, understanding that creating a community where adults freely share ideas contributes to the success of a strong early childhood program. Staff and parents are given opportunities to share ideas both though formal and informal processes. Annual program surveys gather feedback from our community and results are shared with all members of FEELC. Surveys are sent out in the spring of each year prior to move ups.

Concerns are addressed through collaborative processes that include the administration, the parent board, the staff and parents. Informal assessments and feedback are shared as needed. FEELC works hard to create an environment where all members feel at ease to communicate, share ideas and or concerns.

First Environments is committed to maintaining low staff to child ratios. We firmly believe that any quality environment begins with creating close and nurturing relationships between teachers and children. FEELC strives to ensure continuity of care in the classroom. We make every effort to minimize teacher and child transitions throughout the school year. Classroom transitions are routinely made between May and September as children graduate from FEELC and transition to Kindergarten.

First Environments follows the Highest Voluntary Enhanced Ratio Requirements for the State of NC.

*Centers may choose to meet lower ratios than what the state requires. FEELC often has lower ratios in some of the classrooms.

** During the first and last hours of operation and as needed, FEELC follows the Voluntary Enhanced Requirements when necessary.

***For more information on classroom ratios, Please see Appendix I or check your child’s classroom posting.

Age of Children

Highest Voluntary Enhanced Ratio (Staff : Child)  

Maximum Group Size Permitted Per Class

0 to 12 months / Infants



12 to 24 months / Toddlers      



2 to 3 years / Middlers



3 to 4 years / Preschool



4 to 5 years / Pre-K



2.2 Transition Philosophy and Procedures

First Environment Early Learning Center (FEELC) strives to eliminate as many classroom transitions throughout the school year as is possible. We believe that children, families and staff benefit by keeping the core group of children in their classroom for the entire school year, which runs from September to June. FEELC does take into consideration input from parents on classroom placement, however the final decision rests with the FEELC administrative and classroom staff.

2.2.1 First Environments Annual Transition

At the conclusion of each school year, we have an Annual Transition, where the oldest children are “graduating” from the Center. Typically, this is early summer when our graduating children move into K-Camp. Following our transition philosophy of keeping students together as they move up, the majority of the vacancies are in the infant and toddler classrooms.When determining class configurations, FEELC must ensure that the ages of the children are appropriately grouped in classrooms, so that when children move up, the classroom remains developmentally appropriate. Therefore, children are not enrolled simply by who is first on the list, but by which child best fits the developmental level of the classroom.

In March of each year, FEELC administrators and classroom teachers will meet as a team to begin mapping out the classroom configurations for the next school year. Teachers are very involved in this process, providing valuable information about each child’s transition to the next classroom.

2.2.2 Classroom Transitions

If a child leaves our school, FEELC must take into consideration the age and developmental abilities of the remaining children in the classroom before contacting a family on the waitlist. No child will be enrolled without the Center Director’s approval. Only children of the appropriate age to fill the vacancy will be contacted. If it is determined that no child on the waitlist is of the appropriate age or developmental level to be in that classroom, the Center will consider moving a child up within the school. Prior to any move ups taking place, the Director and the classroom teachers will meet with the families to discuss this possible move up. Close consideration will be given to the move up child’s developmental level and the developmental level of the children in the older classroom.
If the opening cannot be filled, the Director and Board will work together to adjust the school budget in order to meet the fiscal needs of the Center.

By minimizing moves in our school and paying close attention to our individual peer groups, FEELC will maximize relationships among the students and their teachers while creating strong family connections.

2.2.3 Transition Schedule

Each child is unique and transitions are different from child to child and class to class. Understanding the child and his or her needs helps teachers understand and bond with the child more effectively. Once enrollment for the new school year is decided and teachers have their list of children, informal visiting begins. Teachers make a point of introducing themselves and saying hello on the playgrounds. Prior to your child moving into a new classroom, FEELC will provide you with a visitation schedule.

2.2.4 General Classroom Information


Classroom Room Number Phone Number
INFANT ROOMS (6 weeks to ~1)
Leap Frog FE 117 919-541-2634
Tadpoles FE 119 919-541-7949
INFANT OR TODDLER ROOMS (Dependent upon enrollment needs)
Butterfly FE 120 919 - 541 - 7990
Caterpillar FE 122 919 - 541 - 1365
TODDLER ROOMS (~1 to ~2)
Turtles FE 151 919 - 541 - 2455
Bees FE 153 919 - 5 41 - 7852
Dragonflies FE 155 919 - 541 - 7754
Lizards FE 157 919 - 541 - 4839
MIDDLER ROOMS (~2 to ~3)
Rainforest FE 160 919 - 541 - 7651
Rapids FE 162 919 - 541 - 2550
Jungle FE 164 919 - 541 - 7850
Otters FE 166 919 - 541 - 4134
Bear Den FE 175 919 - 541 - 3961
Islanders FE 177 919 - 541 - 4348
PRE-K Rooms(~4 to ~5)
City FE 171 919 - 541 - 3836
Villagers FE 173 919 - 541 - 3043

Last updated: 1/26/2017