4.2 Attendance

Regular attendance is expected of all children in the program. In order to maintain staff/child ratios, it is important to call or email your child’s classroom if you will not be bringing your child or you will be arriving later than your normal time. We do ask that parents bring children to school in time for morning activities. We know that from time to time schedules may not permit, but it is for the benefit of your child that he/she comes in time for group activities.

You are required to clock your child in and out at the front desk every day. Your clock out time determines if you are charged late fees. If late fee charges are generated they will be posted to your child’s account. Late fee charges will be billed and drafted from your account on the following tuition draft. For more information on late fee charges, see section 3.2.3 of this parent handbook.

FEELC takes your child’s attendance in two locations. Attendance is taken in your child’s classroom by their teachers and at the front office at the Procare attendance tracker. Parents are required to check their child(ren) in and out each day at the Procare attendance tracker. If you forget to clock out you do not automatically get a late charge. The families that forget to clock out are clocked out for 5:30, unless the closer notifies us that it is after 5:35.

Last updated: 1/26/2017