4.14 Inclement Weather Policy

First Environments has its own inclement weather policy and makes decisions on whether the Center will operate during inclement weather separate from NIEHS, EPA, and the local county school systems. The Director and Parent Board President takes into consideration several factors including the EPA campus operational status, road conditions according to the NC DOT, weather conditions, travel advisories, and local school & business openings/closings/delays. Consideration must also be given for maintaining appropriate staff to child ratios for each classroom. Ultimately, the safety of all families and staff is the top priority.

If the Center will be closed or have a delayed opening due to inclement weather, information will be available on the School Closing and Inclement Weather page of this website, the First Environments inclement weather hotline (919) 541-KIDZ (5439), and our Facebook page. FEELC will also send an email to all parents in our group email list.

NOTE: If First Environments has a delayed opening after 9:00 AM, no breakfast will be served. Please be sure to provide breakfast to your child(ren) on those days.


Last updated: 6/18/2018