4.11 Medication and Medication Forms

All medication (prescription or over the counter) needs to be checked in at the front desk by an administrative staff. (Including diaper creams, sunscreen, and etc.) The Administrative staff can help you fill out the correct medication form and understand the policies for each type of medication. 

No medication (prescription or over the counter) will be administered without specific instructions from a physician or the child’s parent or guardian. A Medication Form must be completed and dated for each day the medicine is to be dispensed. The parent must sign and date the form. When the medicine is dispensed, the hour is noted on the form and the staff member who administers the medicine must initial it. 

All medications must be in there original box or bottle and contain the child’s name and the appropriate dosage for his/her age and weight. Any sunscreens or diaper creams must also have all of the above. 

Pain relievers can only be administered for immunizations, teething, and earaches without fever. Medication is not to be mixed with formula, juice, or food. 

Medication Forms are on the Forms page. 

4.11.1 AIDS Policy 

Children infected with the HIV virus will be eligible for enrollment at the center. The Director, parent and child’s physician will determine whether the child will be able to receive proper care at the center, and whether the child poses a threat of HIV transmission to others. Note: most infected children, particularly those under 18 months of age, do not pose a risk to others. Only persistent biting behavior or the presence of exudative skin lesions would be a reason for exclusion. (Reference: The American Academy of Pediatrics). 

It will be the Center’s policy that the child’s and family’s rights to privacy are respected. All records of the child’s HIV status will be kept strictly confidential. The number of personnel aware of the child’s condition will be restricted to those needed to ensure proper care of the child and to detect situations in which the potential for transmission may change. 

Day care practices, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics concerning universal blood and body precautions and procedures, will be routinely followed by all employees.

Last updated: 1/26/2017